10 Tips: How to Get Rid of a Fever in 24 Hours

10 Tips: How to Get Rid of a Fever in 24 Hours How to Get Rid of a Fever in 24 Hours For whatever reason, you may find yourself with a fever and no immediate access to ibuprofen or other common cold or flu medication. Luckily, there are still plenty of things you can do to stop your fever and get back to feeling normal again in no time flat. This article offers 10 tips on how to get rid of a fever in 24 hours or less.

1) Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated can help keep your body temperature down, which will make you feel better. Water is always recommended, but sports drinks or tea with honey might help as well if you’re feeling queasy. If you’re able, drink at least four cups of fluids (or one cup for every 20 pounds of weight) per day. A fever can cause dehydration and low blood pressure, so try to stay hydrated even when you don’t feel like it—your body may need it more than you think. To track your fluid intake, try carrying around a disposable water bottle that has ounces on it so that you know exactly how much water you’ve had throughout the day. The level should get higher each time you drink something.

2) Exercise

Many people believe that intense exercise can break a fever, but for most people, it’s not true. Exercise stimulates your immune system and helps you sweat out an infection. However, it won’t lower your temperature directly because fevers are generated by your body as a response to infection or illness. If you want to speed up recovery, get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids.

3) Breathe, Stretch, and Meditate

Stretching and deep breathing help bring more oxygen into your body, which helps clear up your head so you’re able to better focus on meditation. For example, yoga is an excellent way to calm your body and mind—and it also offers some powerful meditative benefits. (Don’t have time for that? You can just as easily do some gentle stretching in bed or even just breathe deeply from bed.) The goal is simply quieting your mind and relaxing your muscles so you can get some rest—and as soon as you begin feeling better, you must get out of bed and rest up properly. Just sitting around when sick will only slow down recovery!

4) Relax With A Hot Bath

The easiest way to get rid of a fever fast is by using medication—either an over-the-counter painkiller like Tylenol or ibuprofen, or something stronger. But there are other, more natural ways to reduce your fever. Many doctors recommend taking a long hot bath because it will relax you, lower your heart rate, and help you sweat out toxins that are causing your body temperature to rise. Of course, don't take any meds until after you’ve had some time relaxing in that bathtub!

5) Take An Aspirin Or Ibuprofen

The first thing that comes to most people’s minds when they hear fever is taking Tylenol or Advil, but there are plenty of other treatments for fevers. Aspirin and ibuprofen help relieve inflammation, which can lower your fever. Also, make sure you eat plenty of liquids so you don’t get dehydrated; both water and sports drinks work well for that. If your fever won’t go down with over-the-counter medications or home remedies, contact your doctor or visit an urgent care facility for further care.

6) Eat Something Light, But Nutritious

One way to get rid of a fever fast is by treating it at its source. When you're sick, your body needs fuel and healing nutrients, but most people don't want to eat when they have a fever (or just feel too lousy). The best thing to do when you're down with an illness is to eat something nutritious but light. For instance, try eating an apple or banana or two glasses of soup if your symptoms allow for it. This will give your body some much-needed fuel, but not put stress on your digestive system (which could potentially exacerbate symptoms).

7) Stay In Bed, Avoid Stress

When your body is fighting an illness, it needs all its energy and resources to work on repairing itself, not on temperature regulation. That’s why you mustn’t waste precious bodily resources by jumping up and moving around when you have a fever. Resting in bed and avoiding stress is one of the most effective ways to get rid of your fever within 24 hours. Resting allows your body to devote all its energy to clearing out your infection while reducing stress will help relax your immune system and make it easier for it to fight off sickness. Simply take it easy!

8) Watch The Clock

If you have an infant, monitor their body temperature closely. If your child has a fever, it's always good practice to watch for changes that could indicate complications. That said, if your infant is under 3 months old and has a fever over 100 degrees F (38 C), watch them closely. For babies between three and six months old, take it seriously if their temperature gets above 102 degrees F (39 C). And for infants older than 6 months and who have developed significant symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea, call your doctor right away regardless of what their thermometer says because these symptoms can be signs of potentially life-threatening infection.

9) Keep Your House Cool And Humidified

When you’re sick, it can be difficult to keep your house cool and humidified. However, keeping your body temperature regulated is crucial for fighting off a fever. Drink lots of water, especially during nighttime when you are less likely to get out of bed to go get something. Hang out in cool, shady places during midday hours when temperatures tend to spike. Take an over-the-counter medication such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen as needed if you have pain from a fever or headaches. If possible, take naps and try not to exert yourself physically too much if your body isn’t up for it at that time; being physically exhausted can worsen any illness and may make you more susceptible to infection.

10) Know When To Seek Medical Advice

A fever itself isn’t dangerous, but fevers can be a sign of serious illness or infection. If you suspect that you or someone else has an illness, it’s important to seek medical attention if your temperature rises above 101 degrees. And if your fever lasts longer than two days without improving, make sure you see a doctor—you might have developed a more serious condition like pneumonia or meningitis. For most fevers, rest is typically all it takes to reduce body temperature back down to normal levels within 24 hours; for others though, drugs and other therapies may be needed. Don't wait until morning—seek help immediately when you notice symptoms. Thank you for read my article

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